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How does inheritance work in CSS?

In CSS, inheritance is the mechanism by which certain properties of an element are passed down to its descendants. When a property is not explicitly set for a particular element, the browser will look to the element's parent, and so on up the DOM tree, for a value to inherit. This can be very useful for streamlining your code, as you don't need to specify every single style for every single element. However, not all properties are inherited by default. For example, margin and padding are not inherited, while color and font properties are inherited. To control inheritance, you can use the 'inherit' keyword to explicitly specify that an element should inherit a particular property value from its parent.

Understanding how inheritance works in CSS is important for creating consistent and maintainable stylesheets. By leveraging inheritance, you can minimize the amount of CSS code needed to achieve a desired design, and make your styles more resilient to changes. It's also crucial to be aware that inheritance can lead to unexpected behavior if not managed properly, so it's important to have a good grasp of how inheritance functions in different situations. Additionally, knowing when certain properties are inherited and when they are not can help you write more efficient and effective CSS rules.