Step-by-step instructions
Let's say you are working on a project called my-project. You have made some changes to the index.html file and want to synchronize them with the remote repository on GitHub.
First, make sure you are on the correct branch. In this case, you want to be on the master branch. You can check the current branch by running the git branch command.
git branch
If you are not on the master branch, you can switch to it by running the git checkout master command.
git checkout master
Now, add the changed files to the local repository. You can do this by running the git add command.
git add index.html
Finally, create a commit for your changes. You can do this by running the git commit command.
git commit -m "Added new information to index.html"
Now, you can send the changes to the remote repository. To do this, run the git push command.
git push origin master
This command sends the changes from the local repository my-project to the remote repository on GitHub.