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How Transactions Work in MySQL

A transaction in MySQL is a sequence of database operations that are executed as a single unit by the system. All operations in a transaction either succeed completely or none of them do. This guarantees data integrity, even in the event of failures or errors.

Transaction properties:

  • Atomicity: All operations in a transaction either succeed completely or none of them do.
  • Isolation: Transactions do not affect each other.
  • Durability: Changes made by a transaction are saved after it is completed.
  • Consistency: The data in the database is always in a valid state.
  • Transaction management:

  • `START TRANSACTION`: Starts a new transaction.
  • COMMIT: Completes a transaction and makes the changes permanent.
  • `ROLLBACK`: Aborts a transaction and restores the database to the state it was in before the transaction started.
  • Examples of using transactions:

  • Transferring money from one account to another.
  • Registering a new user.
  • Updating product information.